In this episode, Mike joined Shahin to talk about Kanban, Leadership, Strategy, Games and non prescriptive Agile and much more.

Quotes from this session:

  • Leadership is about providing just the right amount of space. Don’t give them so much space that they lose heart, control, or their grip on what they are trying to do.
  • If Agile is something that happens to you, it’s pretty awful.
  • Rolling things out is a recipe for pain, not for success!
  • There is no way a leader can control anybody!
  • The world would be very very dull if we are only allowed one framework.
  • Agile can be done in investment banking.

The following has been topics of our conversation:

  • Kanban Through Its Values
  • Kanban From The Inside
  • non prescriptive agile and change
  • 3 layers of leadership
  • Servant leadership, Host leadership, Leader leadership, Clear leadership
  • Mindset of integration
  • Descriptive vs. prescriptive models and designs
  • Clean language
  • Leader is not a therapist
  • Generative question and conversations


  • Featureban
  • Changeban
  • 15 minutes photo
  • Celebration 5W

The following books we have referenced:

Where you can find more about Mike and his work

Stress and anxiety are widespread in our industry and you may have already noticed that it’s really hard to coach someone who is highly stressed or anxious. It’s also really hard for you to personally perform at your best when you’re in that state.

In this workshop, you’ll learn (and practice) a collection of specific techniques to immediately release those feelings of stress or anxiety. Techniques include bi-lateral stimulation through movement to rebalance brain activity and several techniques that will lower anxiety by triggering the parasympathetic nervous system: From relaxing the jaw to switching your eyes into peripheral vision. In all cases, we’ll talk about some of the neuroscience and then practice the technique as a group.

Is conflict the key to a high performing team?

What if I told you without conflict your ability to improve through Agile & Lean will be severely limited. What role does conflict play in developing a high-performance team? When you encounter conflict do you shy away or move towards it?

It is natural to feel anxious around conflict and want to escape it. However, high-performance teams embrace conflict for the sake of improving and growing. In this session, we will explore how conflict is a normal and healthy part of any team environment. We will explore what causes conflict, and how to work with the conflict for the sake of landing in a better place. Believe it or not, you’ll even learn to provoke conflict for the sake of your team’s growth.