Happy New Year 2023! May it be filled with new adventures and good fortunes. 🎉
Author: Shahin Sheidaei

In this episode, Andreas joined Shahin to talk about Dependencies and Scalability in Kanban, as part of Kanban Clinic series.
The following has been topics of our conversation:
- Dependency management in Kanban vs waterfall.
- Kanban management of dependencies vs Scrum.
- How to implement business agility in your organization.
- Kanban, simple or complicated?
- Kanban v.s. Scrum
- The easiest way to understand Kanban fully.
Follow us
- Visit us at http://www.leanonagile.com
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/Elevate_Change
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ElevateChange
In this episode, Jason joined Shahin to talk about Lean Change, Modern Change and Agile Change and much more.
The following has been topics of our conversation:
- Lean Change Management
- Modern Change Management
- Agile in Startup and Large Orgs, and in Different Pockets
- Lean Startup Machine
- Enterprise Aware
- Exceptional Change
- Who is Responsible for Change?
- That Change Show
The followings we have referenced:
- Becoming a Change Artist – Jerry Weinberg
- Are your lights on?
- The secrets of consulting
- The psychology of computer programming
- Virginia Satir Ecosystem
- MIT’s Leading Organization Change
In this episode, Mike joined Shahin to talk about Kanban, Leadership, Strategy, Games and non prescriptive Agile and much more.
Quotes from this session:
- Leadership is about providing just the right amount of space. Don’t give them so much space that they lose heart, control, or their grip on what they are trying to do.
- If Agile is something that happens to you, it’s pretty awful.
- Rolling things out is a recipe for pain, not for success!
- There is no way a leader can control anybody!
- The world would be very very dull if we are only allowed one framework.
- Agile can be done in investment banking.
The following has been topics of our conversation:
- Kanban Through Its Values
- Kanban From The Inside
- non prescriptive agile and change
- 3 layers of leadership
- Servant leadership, Host leadership, Leader leadership, Clear leadership
- Mindset of integration
- Descriptive vs. prescriptive models and designs
- Clean language
- Leader is not a therapist
- Generative question and conversations
- Featureban
- Changeban
- 15 minutes photo
- Celebration 5W
The following books we have referenced:
- Clear leadership – Gervase Bushe
- Turn the ship around
Where you can find more about Mike and his work

In this episode, Ricardo joined Shahin to talk about Practical Agile; and indulge in an in-depth conversation on Agile through time from trenches to executives, and much more.

Quotes from this session:
- Coach please come on in, help us with this. That’s the dream scenario.
- Never hire Agile Coaches that are gonna tell you what they are going to do to make things better.
- The one thing I recommend is never to be a hero!
- Hiring for Leader: I am hiring you for how you think. I can teach you what you do not know. But I can’t teach you how to think.
The following has been topics of our conversation:
- Scrum Fit and/or Kanban Fit
- CSP through times – Scrum Alliance
- Coaching & Consulting Stories
- 10 years of Agile
- How to start Agile
- Don’t stop at Scrum
The following books we have referenced:
We mentioned the following people:
Contact Information:
In this episode, Dave joined Shahin to talk about Kanban; and indulge in an in-depth conversation on Kanban going main stream, Consulting, Kanban vs Others, Training, and much more.

The following has been topics of our conversation:
- Kanban Facts
- Kanban’s take on Estimation
- Kanban Spread to Whole Company
- What really does Kanban do?
- Misconceptions of Kanban
- Kanban offers a long-term solution rather a short-term achievements
- One reason that the Kanban Method was created, was to make life better for people.
- Kanban; it’s just a way to see your problems, describe solutions, put them in a place that everybody understands, and to bring all of your people together to solve these problems.
- Scrum, SAFe, XP Barrier on evolving change in any organization
- Kanban Going Mainstream
- Draft letter of the start of Kanban University – Soestduinen, Netherlands 2012
- AKC – AKT – KCP – KMP programs
- Kanban Conference – Kanban Week – Kanban Leadership Retreat
- Kanban University YouTube
- Dave White Session in Europe LKUK 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9vLfEz4aqY
- Lean Software Society Boston 2012
- Consulting Secrets for a Good Consultant
- High-Performing Team vs High-Performing Organization

The following books we have referenced:
We mentioned the following people:
- Mike Burrows (Also)
- Klaus Leopold
- Alexei Zheglov
- Katrin Dietze
- Patrick Steyaert
- Mathis Skarin
- David Anderson
- JaniceLinden-Reed
- Dave White
- Masa k Maeda
- Jasper Boeg
- James Newkirk (nunit)
Contact Dave:
- Twitter: @AgileRamblings
- Email: dave@depthconsulting.ca

In this episode, Joey joined Shahin to talk about Kanban; and indulge in in-depth conversation with select audiences.

The following has been topics of our conversation:
- Kanban as a Method vs a Tool
- Upstream and Delivery Stream
- Stealth Kanban
- KLR – Kanban Week
- Q&A with Joey
- Scrum and/vs Kanban in large organizations
- Kanban in Transformation world
- Chaos being hidden as Expedie
The following books we have referenced:
We mentioned the following people:
In this episode, David joined Shahin to talk about all things Kanban; KMM, the new Kanban Guide, and more.

Kanban Resources:
To learn more about The Kanban Guide, please visit https://resources.kanban.university/kanban-guide/
To learn more about the Kanban Maturity Model please visit https://kmm.plus/en/
Kanban Maturity Model Book
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3fbl30M
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/3cYZ8Hu
Kanban Blue Book
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2P64Cbl
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/31dRymX
First State of Kanban Survey
In this episode, April joined Shahin to talk about Open Space.
- Penguin Role in Open Space
- Groundhog Role in Open Space
- Art of Holding Space
- Organizational Open SpaceÂ
- Mindcamp
- Open Space Technology (Amazon USÂ |Â Amazon Canada)
In this episode, Steve joined Shahin to talk about Value Stream Mapping. For the first time, we had a live audience recording the episode. Peter, Ali, and Nasima from the audience asked questions from Steve by the end of the show.
We conversed about and around the following topics:
- Value Streams let you see the big picture and your biggest bottlenecks, risks, and opportunities.
- A value stream captures a view beyond common Agile and DevOps visibility to how we create and deliver value.
- A Value Stream Map lets to share that view with others and align on what to do next.
- A map should be simple to start (you can always add more data if you want) – avoid heavy/complex approaches.
- People are the most important part. Facilitation, handoffs, incentives, psychological safety are major factors.
People & Resources:
We referred to and/or mentioned the following people and/or resources:
- Learning to See: Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate – Amazon US | Amazon Canada
- Value Stream Mapping: How to Visualize Work and Align Leadership for Organizational Transformation Amazon US | Amazon Canada
- Toyota Kata: Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness and Superior Results Amazon US | Amazon Canada
- Karen Martin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQxKaX5nRKY&list=PLLg5PAqs4MHeswJgjaoDBcwkmFQLrWnRr
- Helen Beal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAHk2xY25jY
- Marc Hornbeek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7G1pYeCOYU
- Jeff Keyes: http://go.plutora.com/mastering-software-delivery-with-value-stream-management
- Jack Maher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jokvpffYHo
- Roy Osherove: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goihWvyqRow
- Mike Orzen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9n52eI57cs
About Steve:
Steve helps teams escape and avoid software delivery challenges using value stream techniques. In tech for over 20 years, he started in support and was most recently a startup CTO. He works with 10 and 100000 person companies to remove friction and boost value through his value delivery program at visible.is. He’s an active community member and organizer, running DevOps Toronto and Toronto’s DevOpsDays conference, but often seen in agile and systems thinking events as well.
- Intro content (including video) on value streams: https://visible.is/thinking
- Past talks: https://vzbl.io/stevetalks
- Chat with Steve: https://meet.visible.is